This Indian Guru Offers Peace Talks with Taliban, India-Pak, Hindu-Muslims, Naxals, but No TAKERS


“Both countries are suffering from varying degrees of the War on Terror, and close to 65 years of enmity for each other. Yoga and meditation can be your path to peace,” Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said as he addressed a large crowd in Lahore.

"My dream is to see a violence-free Pakistan and I'm sure it is possible" he said addressing a gathering of dignitaries in Lahore, attended by Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid leader Humaira Shahid, Former Finance Minister of Pakistan Sartaj Aziz, Pakistan Today Editor, Arif Nizami and Secretary General of Tehrik-i-Insaf Omar Cheema.

"Love, peace, tolerance" is what Pakistani students shouted for when asked by visiting spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar what he should speak about. Ravi Shankar regaled the audience at the famous Forman Christian College here as he spoke about love, religion and answered a number of questions.

"You better find another one from about seven billion living souls in the world. Move ahead," was Ravi Shankar's advice to a Pakistani student who sought his view on him being unable to forget his ex-girlfriend. The answer led to a round of thunderous applause from the audience here.

Hundreds of students accorded a warm welcome to Ravi Shankar on his three-day private visit to Pakistan with an address at the college in Lahore.

The hall was jam-packed an hour before the arrival of Shankar as both students and teachers were eager to listen to him. "I am glad to see your enthusiasm. You can do wonders in life with this energy. Do not lose this enthusiasm," Shankar said after walking onto the stage.