These Are The Countries Where Citizens Suffer The Least

Norway: Officially recognized as the Kingdom of Norway, it is one among those countries where its masses enjoy life to the fullest with minimal level of sufferings. A country of around 5 million, Norway is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy with extremely high education standards and a very low poverty and unemployment rate among its people, with a life expectancy of 80.2 years. According to the Global Peace Index, it is one of the safest places to settle down.

This Scandinavian country has the highest level of human development in the globe where its government always places well being of the citizen at the forefront of the priorities of the country. Not just all this, it is internationally recognized for its universal health care, advanced schooling systems, and a distinguished social security system. For all these reasons, the Kingdom of Norway comes up in this list.

Sweden: A Scandinavian country and the third largest European country, Sweden has been rated as one of the best country providing best facilities for its residents. This is all attributed to its emerging citizen friendly nature like pop-culture, its food, and most importantly, its friendly population. Sweden is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy form of government and a highly developed economy. It has the world's eighth-highest per capita income. The Swedish people are rated as one of the happiest in the world and have high marks in income ($35,876 GDP per capita, and a regular GDP of $485 billion), life expectancy (80.9 years), and education. In addition, the country has very low unemployment and poverty rates, has equal and free access to health care, and has been one of the most active supporters of environmental sustainability in today’s era.