The Unknown Social Media Tricks

# Protect your number from hackers on Snap chat: Snap chat users had a problem with their mobile numbers being accessible to the others along with their user names which resulted in a recent security flaw, exposing close to 4.6 million accounts to the hackers. Looks like there is a solution to this problem; just unclick the option ‘Link user name to the mobile number’ on the snap chat menu. This would stop linking the number to the user name with leaving the number behind on the snap chat system but it still adds a layer of protection to your account.

# Youtube speeds up a slow internet connection: Videos taking too long to buffer on YouTube? Here’s a solution for it. Videos can buffer faster by using ‘YouTube Feature Beta’ which removes the visual options such as the like or unlike choices, the related video section reduced to 5 and the comment section is taken off too. The YouTube feature beta technically cuts down the byte size of the video, which in turn accelerates the buffering speed and enables smooth video play back.

# Facebook: View your entire search history: Facebook gives you the option of viewing your entire search history from the past. From the best searches to the worst ones all of it is just there so this can be removed by just deleting the history on clicking an option called the ‘clear searches’ on the Activity log menu.

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