The Best Selling Books of 2013

5. Wait for Me by Elisabeth Naughton-

Wait for Me, the fifth best seller, is a novel written by Elisabeth Naughton on 21st December 2011.

It is a romantic suspense that hovers around a woman called Kate Alexander who has totally lost her memory about her pastlife and a man called Ryan Harrison who is seeking for reasons to continue with his life. Both these characters bear a contrastingpersonality.

The story includes various instances of fate that brought the two protagonists closer to their destiny.

‘Wait for Me’ bagged the award for the Best eBook Novel of the year and nominee for a Bookie Award 2013.

6. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn-

Gone Girl, a novel by American writer Gillian Flynn is a contemporary psychological thriller that was published in June 2012 by Crown Publishing Group. It depicts the disturbing description of a relationship that has gone awry.

The novel takes up the story of the two main characters Nick and Amy Dunne who are into a complicated marriage after the couple loses their jobs.

It brings out dishonesty in a relationship, the tricky media, and the sadness that follows with financial difficulties.

‘Gone Girl’ which is written creatively uses inconsistent narration, surprising twists in the plot, and a thrilling suspense.

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