Ten worst pitfalls to avoid in your resume

By Kukil Bora, SiliconIndia   |   Wednesday, 30 March 2011, 13:51 IST
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3. Highlight on duties, instead of accomplishments is a mistake
Resumes should primarily have high-impact statements about the job seeker's accomplishments that would sell his qualifications and present him as the best candidate. You must shun phrases like "responsibilities included" or "duties included" and focus on accomplishments that set you apart from other job candidates. 4. A loose objective
The very first thing in your resume that your potential employers would surely look at is the objective statement. So avoid making vague statements like "Seeking a challenging position that offers professional growth". The employers come across such lines probably hundred times a day. Try to say something specific that would serve the employers' need as well as your own. If you are applying for a marketing position, you can state your objective as "Seeking an entry-level marketing position that allows me to utilize my skills and enables me to make a positive contribution to the organization".