Ten worst pitfalls to avoid in your resume

By Kukil Bora, SiliconIndia   |   Wednesday, 30 March 2011, 13:49 IST   |    39 Comments
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5. Using cookie-cutter resume templates
Most resumes created from a Microsoft Word template are easily recognizable to employers. Since the employers have seen a million of them, such drab looking resumes don't stand out. You're supposed to be uniquely qualified so the company will choose you among other candidates. Therefore use a little imagination while writing your resume. It'll surely help you a lot. 6. Listing references directly on the resume
References are a good tool to increase your credibility in the eyes of your prospective employer. But you shouldn't list specific references directly on your resume. Instead, you must list them on a separate sheet. Even then, references should be given if specifically requested by the employer.