Tarnishing Economy Disappoints Indians

Urban Representation Embraces free-Market Capitalism

The survey shows that urban population in India is embracing free-market capitalism. Since the liberalization, Indians are worrying about the country’s economy; what they fear is not the fundamentals of the Indian economy; but the ills and inability of the current government.

“Wary of the state, Indians are solidly committed to capitalism. About six-in-ten (61 percent) think most people are better off in a free-market economy, even though some are rich and some are poor,” the research report said.

The study said that, Indians still treasure their traditional culture, though they long for modernity. Almost half of the respondents (49 percent) wished for modern lifestyle, when a greater percentage (52 percent) worried about losing their traditions and 79 percent wanted to preserve their traditional culture.

Most of the respondents in India want a small government so that they get a freedom to get on with their lives without government interference.  The survey said, “ About half (53 percent) believe that it is more important for Indian society that everyone be free to pursue their goals without government interference rather than the state playing an active role in guaranteeing that nobody is in need (25 percent).”