Suicide, Second Leading Cause of Death among Young Indians

Prof Patel said to TOI “We recorded a reduced risk of suicide versus other causes of death in women who were widowed, divorced or separated, compared with married women and men."

"In India, suicide is the cause of about twice as many deaths as is HIV/AIDS, and about the same number as maternal causes of death in young women," the article states.

The report further revealed that four of India's southern states, namely, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnakata and Kerala which together constitute 22 percent of the country's population recorded 42 percent of suicide deaths in men and 40 percent of self-inflicted fatalities in women in 2010. Maharashtra and West Bengal together were noted to account for an additional 15 percent of suicide deaths.

Delhi recorded the lowest suicide rate in the nation. In absolute numbers, the most suicide deaths in individuals, aged 15 years or older, were recorded in AP (28,000), Tamil Nadu (24,000) and Maharashtra (19,000).

Professor Patel said "Overall, more Indian men commit suicide than women, but the male to female ratio for suicides is smaller in India than in many Western countries, in particular among youth. Studies have suggested that social factors such as violence and depression are key determinants of suicide in women," as reported by TOI.

(With PTI inputs)