Steve Jobs + me = Zuckerberg: Apple Cofounder Wozniak

Steve was the 35th richest man in America with a worth of $7Billion while Mark was between the 4th and 13th richest man with an estimated net worth of about $17 Billion to over $25 Billion. This round clearly goes to Mark. But we must remember here that given Jobs’ health issue money was not his prime motivator.

The last and most important distinction between the two is the products that they brought to the world. Steve’s resume includes Apple round 1, Apple round 2, Pixar, Disney, IPhones, IPads, Macintoshes, Apple II (II, IIe, and IIs), IPod and ITouch. Mark’s resume includes Facebook. We can clearly see hear that although Mark has managed to earn bigger bucks it was Jobs who was the true winner in every aspect.

Steve had always admired mark. In an interview to 60 minutes he said that, “We talk about social networks in the plural,”, “but I don’t see anybody other than Facebook out there. Just Facebook, They are dominating this.  I admire Mark Zuckerberg . . . for not selling out, for wanting to make a company.  I admire that a lot.”

If Jobs considered Facebook a success it surely must be one. But Mark has not yet reached the stature that the ‘Steves’ have achieved.