Startups! Be Cautious About These Tech Flaws

Foresee The Future Technology

While investing on technology, a startup founder must always opt for scalability as technology can change drastically. Tech implementation that suits the firm the best must be chosen rather than installing the architectures used in some other firms. Goyal advises entrepreneurs to do research and case study along with a trial run to analyze what works the best for the firm. He also urges them to get regularly updated with the latest technologies and happenings in the vertical.

Hiring Too Many Programmers May Create Chaos

The common notion of more hands means faster growth may not work the best with startups. Increased number of programmers doesn’t necessarily mean increase in productivity. It is advisable to budding startups to hire just the necessary amount of programmers and to increase the number with the pace of the progress. Getting more programmers can also result in codes with degraded quality resulting in less productivity and loss.

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