'SMS Lingo' Takes a Toll on Indian Student's Vocabulary

"Some common words you find in notebooks are 'dat', thnx', 'tmrw'. To curb this problem, we have started deducting their marks," added Anjali Sharma, coordinator at St Soldier's School, Mohali.

Deducting marks for using SMS words is also a difficult thing for teachers as more than 70 percent of students commit this mistake. The teachers frequently make the correction themselves.

Sonal Narang, Vice-Principal of Ahmedabad's Anand Niketan School stated that "The problem starts right from class V and is more serious among class VII and VIII students," as told to TOI.

On the other hand, the teachers and students of the capital city Delhi asserted that most of its classrooms are free from the SMS lingo mania as the students are aware that such lingo are meant for mobile phone usage only.

With more youth getting hooked on to social media through the smartphones, there is a fear that the English languages might get eroded in the name of ease.

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