River Ganga, a Source of Cancer in India

Bangalore: Ganga is considered the sacred river and the deep bond that the people of India share with this spiritual entity is immense. Now this bond is making many pay a high price, after being diagnosed with cancer. The river was placed on the list of five most polluted rivers back in 2007. Adding to the state of its pollution in is the raised amount of industrial waste which is drained out into the river ravaging it further into a life threatening source, contradicting its real purpose.

Traces of heavy metals and mercury has been detected in the river water says a survey compiled by the National Cancer Registry Programme (NCRG) supported by the Indian Council of Medical Research. It has resulted in the largest number of gall bladder cancer cases worldwide, especially among the Indian population settled on the river plains.

The river was known to be threatening to the lives of the many people who consume and use its water even before the report was compiled. The pollution is also a concern to the lives of over 140 fish species, about 90 amphibian species and the rare Ganga river dolphins. There was an initiation of cleaning up the river with the Ganga Action Plan. It didn’t culminate because of the deficient number of technical expertise and corruption, no good environmental planning, no support from religious authorities and due to religious beliefs and Indian traditions.

Also Read: Indians Lose Millions of Productive Years to Cancer