Ramayana: The Epic of Entrepreneurial Lessons

4. Treat everyone equally

Rama was a prince who interacted freely with the people. Rama did not have any biases regarding developing relationships with people of a lower social status. Thus he accepted the hospitality of the chief of the fisher folk and allied with the forest tribes who were out of the light of normal society. In fact, Rama gave them positions of equality. This was not only due to the war conditions since he maintained the same relationship when he won the war. Not surprisingly, he received great loyalty from all.

3. Stand courageously in the face of great adversity

Following Sita's kidnap, Rama wandered poor and ruined in the forests searching for Sita. The Ramayana is full of touching details of Rama's sadness and his memory of Sita. Yet this grief did not prevent him from searching for partners even when the enemy was unknown. Rama maintained his courage even at the darkest hours and in doing so inspired his army to not only continue the unequal fight, but also win it.