Obama Says US is the 'World Leader', Do You Think So Too?

Obama also remembered to mention Osama bin Laden and the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. He expressed his belief that the end of all these wars would make their military stronger.

The president provided inspiration to the listeners when he said. "Today, we can say with confidence and pride -- the US is stronger, safer and more respected in the world. Because even as we've done the work of ending these wars, we have laid the foundation for a new era of American leadership. And now, cadets, we have to build on it. Let's start by putting aside the tired notion that says our influence has waned, that America is in decline. We've heard that talk before."

Obama’s speech is strong enough to touch the national sentiments of each Americans but when it comes to reality much of what he talked remains as a matter of debate. When Obama talks about the positive and fresh attitude about America, it will be interesting to know how many nations agree to that.