Natural Resources Form 47 Pct of the 'GDP of the Poor' in India

The loss of biodiversity and ecosystem degradation affects the income of the poor in India, intern affecting the ‘GDP of the poor’.

For understanding the ways the ecosystem supports the poor economy, there will soon be a commissioned study by the environment ministry about the impact of ecosystem management over the lives of people inhabiting the rich bio-diverse regions, informed an official in the ministry.

The degradation of forest and ecosystem is strongly linked to the lives and living of people in rural India, however it has also raised issues in the world. The situation needs serious attention to be tackled, which is only possible with years of dedication and a universal effort in this direction. The current ill effects of this hampered ecosystem is heartfelt by the people who not only make a living out of it but also keep the forest and natural ways of living alive, irrespective of the fact that it barely makes a very prosperous life in terms of wealth and amenities.