Microsoft's Israel Accelerator Inspires India

One of the reasons behind the start-ups getting financial support is the exposure they get to key figures in the Israeli IT industry and business world, as part of the accelerator's mentoring program. In the second accelerator round some 100 mentors will spend at least an hour a week with start-ups.

Microsoft does not require companies in the programme to give up any equity, and they don't have to promise to partner with Microsoft after the programme is over. The start-ups can also use Microsoft's connections to get a good financing deal from Israel's Plus Ventures investment fund. Enrolled companies will also get some help from the education sector.

Cloud and Big Data

While the accelerator took candidates on a case-by-case business there were a few criteria Microsoft was looking for in the chosen start-ups including cloud technology and big data – areas that Microsoft is betting its future on. Some of the companies chosen have beta products that are already in use, while others are working on their initial technology.

Israel is one of the top places for deep algorithm or big-data apps and platforms. Israeli experts in machine learning and have the apps and technologies Microsoft needs.