Lawmakers Turn Lawbreaker: World's Worst Parliamentary Clashes

Italy, 2011:
As Italian MPs feuded over proposed pension reforms, exchange blows and insults at the Italian parliament in 2011. The scuffle is believed to break out over sarcastic remarks made on television by Gianfranco Fini, the leader of the opposition Future and Liberty of Italy party, about the wife of Umberto Bossi, the leader of the devolutionist Northern League, whose support is essential to the prime minister's political survival. Due to Italy's complex and outdated pensions system, it allows some of its employees to retire before its time.

Hong Kong, 2013:
While demanding a universal retirement protection scheme, Leung Kwok, a pro-democracy lawmaker throws a cloud-shaped cushion at John Tsang, Hong Kong's Financial Secretary John Tsang. This incident takes place during the annual budget report at the Legislative Council in Hong Kong in 2013. Such brawls took place in a nation where its citizens are very much concerned about the lack of democracy, and under huge pressure to introduce universal suffrage. The sign reads, "No more nonsense. Set up universal retirement protection scheme now," reports Reuters.

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