Larry Ellison's 10 Most Amusing Stories

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 19 January 2012, 01:51 IST   |    1 Comments
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Larry once flew a jet under the Golden Gate Bridge: This one’s a little tricky. Though Ellison had denied the story during an interview with Charlie Rose, he noted that to fly a plane under the Golden Gate Bridge was illegal and which meant naturally, he wouldn't have done it. His tone was tongue-in-cheek but on the contrary, Ellison loves outrageous stories about himself and his public denial didn't do much to squash this one.


Co-founder of SAP mooned Larry on the high seas: This was sort of true and sort of not. Hasso Plattner did drop his pants in that internationally understood insult but it was aimed at Larry's ‘tender’ – a yacht-race support boat.  Larry wasn't on the tender at the time. The incident took place during the 1996 Kenwood Cup off Hawaii after Hasso's yacht, the Morning Glory, broke its mast. One of the crew was injured and Hasso said Oracle's tender circled with video cameras taping the helpless yacht, but never offered help. So Plattner mooned them, he confessed. Rumors say the video still exits.