India Ranks 15th Among Countries With Most Millionaires

2. Japan
Rank: 2
Number Of Millionaire Households: 1.5 Million

Japan has ranked 2nd on the list of countries with most number of millionaires. In 2009, the country had 1.2 millionaire households but now the number has increased to 1.5 million. According to the wealth management unit of Royal Bank of Canada, with strong growth and high saving rates, Asia is expected to have $16 trillion by 2015, on which the maximum would be contributed by Japan itself.

3. China
Rank: 3
Number Of Millionaire Households: 1.3 Million

India’s neighboring country China is the third country that has most number of millionaires in the world.

Chinese millionaires are worth more or less $2.6 million each, on an average. Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Shenzhen and Hangzhou are the top five cities where maximum ultra-high net worth individuals exist. The plunge in China’s wealth reflects the overall trend in the region.

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