India Imports Gold Through Its Migrant Workers

The officials further stated that, not only the relatives, but also the jewelers and gold traders who are constantly demanding the import of this precious metal. The yellow metal are mainly carries by migrant workers who return to the country from abroad.

The sharp increase of illegal imports of gold in the country is mainly due to restriction imposed by the government on this much sought-after commodity.

"India's demand for gold cannot simply dry up" because the government is blocking imports said Bachhraj Bemalwa, director in the All India Gem and Jewelry Trade Federation.

Peter Abraham, Calicut's airport director said, "We've seen this sharp increase," reports WSJ. "These people just don't have the capacity to buy all this gold. They are just poor people working in the Middle East. Probably they are acting as couriers," added Abraham.

Over the past decade, the demand for gold has been increased considerably in the country, as the metal is the only form of savings that still remains practical and beneficial.

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