India Called For Relaxing FDI Cap In Defence Sector

"There is no doubt that the U.S.  industry is the most advanced; likewise, there is no doubt that the most advanced technologies and products will have the greatest application in the Indian subcontinent. The gap between these two has to merge in order to meet Indian requirements," Lall told PTI.

"India has reiterated that defence trade relations with the U.S. must move from purely a buyer/seller relationship to a more comprehensive partnership covering the transfer of technology and co-production.

"Through such collaboration India has a major opportunity to build an industrial infrastructure that will be able to quantitatively, technologically, and qualitatively support the requirements of the Indian armed forces," he said referring to his recent conversation with the U.S.  Defence Secretary.

The U.S., he argued, is destined to significantly expand its presence in the Indian Air and Defence (A&D) sector over the coming decade.

U.S. -based companies have been looking to work more closely with India in the A&D sector, he said.

"Key segments include: the production of aircraft and related components; air traffic management; maintenance, repair and overhaul; aviation safety; security; and capacity building," Lall said, adding he expect to see a significant U.S.  industry presence in India by 2023.

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Source: PTI