India 29th Among The Best Places To Open Up Data Center

#3 Sweden

Sweden showed an amazing performance by climbing 5 positions to become the 3rd best in the list exhibiting great performance in all categories except labor costs. The country is of least risk when it comes to natural disasters and political instability and shows high percentage of energy coming from renewable resources.

#2 United Kingdom

The high international internet bandwidth capacity and the available ease of doing business assure the position of the country in the data centre sector. The energy issue can cause a potent impact on UK’s ranking in the future with continued rise in cost of energy and heavy reliance on fossil fuels.

#1 U.S.

The U.S. has managed to keep the crown for the third consecutive year with its highest internet bandwidth capacity of all the countries. While most of the other countries saw a price rise in electricity, the country has managed to keep it relatively low. The biggest challenge for the U.S. is the frequent natural calamities.
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