IIM Grads Who Trashed Placements For A Startup Life

Given that Focaloid has not just caught the eye of the shutterbug community but also the business world, Focaloid could be the next big thing in the fast evolving world of e-business tomorrow. Venkat has received a seed fund of Rs 5 lakh from the CIIE and has raised another Rs 4 lakh along with two other friends who have just quit regular jobs.

#3 Niranjan KM

Niranjan KM of IIM Indore has come up with a brilliant idea to sell sanitary napkins in rural areas. He previously wanted to be a candy maker or a mineral water producer but somewhere along the way he realized that the there is tremendous room for growth in the rural areas for sanitary napkins. His research showed rural women know little about sanitary napkins and his marketing campaign includes raising awareness through skits during festivals.

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