"I Wish I'd Known this before My First Start-up": 25 Helpful Advice

21. Renee Warren

Co-founder: Onboardly

“I wish I would have better known the value of my time. A ‘10 minute chat’, which always leads to a much longer chat, was so easy to say yes to. It took me years to finally start saying NO to things that would take me away from what really needed my attention. No to meetings. No to interviews, and no to extra projects (for extra money.) When I implemented my daily to-do lists my whole day/week/month changed. I would only accept opportunities if they could come after my to-do’s were completed.

Part of this realization came from a quote my grandfather once told me,”If you are not 10 minutes early, you are 10 minutes late.” He meant this for many reasons; Showing up to meetings, flights, phone calls, the gym and so much more.

So, that’s it; time is the most valuable thing you have. Make sure you invest it wisely.”

20. Ethan Bloch

Co-founder: Flowtown

“Never take advice from anyone who hasn’t done or isn’t doing what you want to accomplish.”