How to Reduce Infrastructure & Operation Costs?

Reducing Power and Cooling Costs:
Earlier, data centers used to be built having large areas of spotless white floors, consumed large amount of power and had nonstop supply of water and air coolant systems. However, looking at the costs of power equipments and the non availability of other resources, these designs are nearly imperfect to fit into today’s I&O structures. Thus, new designs of these data centers can reduce the space consumed and power required by these data centers.

Limiting Storage Growth:
With computing, storage and networking capacities increasing in double digits every year, it is estimated that organizations will install 850 percent more terabytes of storage capacities than what they did in previous year. But nowadays, increasing the storage capacities is not the solution for every problem; instead multiple steps need to be taken to limit this growth in storage capacities like server virtualization, automated tiers, and storage resource management.