How to Engineer a Better Network Security

#1 Build backward from mandates:

Before taking the big step, organizations must stand back and ask themselves specific questions like where to operate, how big is your authorization and what will be the stand of your technology in a couple of years?

According Norberg, every organization must answer these questions before building a good network. The answers to these questions have very much significance that they are the core in building a infrastructure.

"Sometimes, people will just buy cheap switches, network gear, firewalls and things like that because they're inexpensive. And they throw them in," says Norberg. "Then when they have a breach, they realize they just paid a zillion dollars to the government or to a credit card company or something like that in order to remediate it. And then they have to go buy the more expensive gear anyway. Taking an 'it can't happen to me' approach is probably not the best way to design a system."

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