How Design Plays an Upper Hand in Startups


Steve Jobs who believed that good design could create products that predict consumer needs once said, “It’s really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” Instead of relying on focus groups, Apple design products they’d want to use.

There are three ways to do this:

i) Get your design team into the homes of people who would use your product, and let them experience it first-hand.

ii) Randomly conduct street interviews where you show someone a prototype and get their feedback.

iii) Host a “Whine and Dine,” where a focused conversation happens over food and drinks.

2. Design and engineering don’t make great bedmates.

The qualities that make for a good engineering culture are different from those that make for a good design culture. Design teams flourish in the experimental, taking leaps and being daring, and they aren’t afraid of failing while learning.