Hottest Technologies of 2015 And Beyond

Intel’s Programmable matter

Imagine you stretching the mobile to make it big or pressing a button to convert it instantly to a lap top. It seems impossible, but that is what Intel is currently working on i.e. shape shifting technology and the company things it will be possible within next decade.

Intel has already built sphere shaped microrobots called “catoms,” which has enogh computing power to be self programmable. Millions of them work together to take a particular shape.  Intel currently is successful in making catoms with 1 millimeter diameter and is trying to make the diameter tenth of a millimeter. If this material were used to make a device's casing, it would be theoretically possible for your smartphone or tablet to change shape whenever you want.

Intel plans to use the technology first in health field, where doctors can model the 3-D structure of organs for diagnosis