Harmful Home Articles to Avoid

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 06 December 2011, 00:52 IST
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"Sports" water bottles
Harmful Home Articles to Avoid
Be careful while buying sports water bottles or any plastic bottles. Make sure it has a label #7 in the recycling symbol, printed on it. And also check metal-lined containers, five-gallon water bottles, and most plastic baby bottles. These bottles mainly contain Polycarbonate and which may contain Bisphenol A. This compound is known to stimulate prostate cancer cells and is a suspected hormone disrupter. You should replace these bottles with glass, water bottles, stainless steel or those made of high-density polyethylene ' labeled #2 in the recycling symbol. One should also avoid placing plastics into the microwave or dishwasher; can use ceramic or glass containers instead.