Flipkart Eyes Long-Term Innings With Motorola Post MotoG Debut

Besides, traffic to Flipkart was twice of what it sees on other days and 67 per cent of it was driven just by Moto G.

"Our page views increased by 100 per cent during the launch and Moto G page saw a million page views on February 6. Also, inbound calls to customer support number doubled and we had close to 20,000 queries on Moto G alone during the day," Bansal said.

On launching Moto X, he said presently both the companies are watching the response to Moto G.

"Right now, we are focusing on Moto G and we want to wait and see how it is and then take a call on other opportunities. I don't know how it will pan out, but we want to wait for a few days and then sit down to decide," Bansal added.

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