Five Costliest Public Transport Systems in the World

Copenhagen, Denmark: The capital city of Denmark, Copenhagen has an exceptionally efficient and reliable public transport system that allows the commuters to explore the city largely without a car. The network is constantly improved and developed, thus ensuring a high degree of mobility. The city is divided into zones that determine the fare. In Copenhagen, individual tickets are the most expensive option and the one most utilized by tourists.

With around 750,000 passengers, a basic ticket cost $4.88 for single zone while a trip to/from the airport around $6. Each ticket is valid for 1-1.5 hours depending on the number of zones one travels. As an alternative, one can also explore Copenhagen via train. As mentioned above, the integrated ticket system is based on seven geographical zones of Greater Copenhagen. Apart from single-journey tickets, commuters have the option to purchase discount 10-ticket cards.

London, England: Most developed cities in the world, London is one of the largest and busiest cities in the world. It is the centre of various forms of transportation like road, rail and air networks in the United Kingdom. It has its own dense and extensive internal private and public transport networks, as well as providing a focal point for the national road and railway networks. London houses over 260 stations where billions and billions of masses shell out huge amount of $3.70, which is quite expensive for travelers.

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