Entrepreneurship: A Viable Solution To The Indian Job Scenario

Despite the rise in entrepreneurship in the last 5 to 10 years, a stigma is attached with startups. It is culturally added, which hinders the business and makes recruiting talent more difficult for new ventures as people believe that there is no security in it for them. Such beliefs are shed once people begin to see success in new upcoming business.

Do not be lulled into thinking that all our problems will be resolved if we succeed in this endeavor. The issues are more ingrained. Our country being the multi-faced, diverse being that it is, does not behave as such. Our students are encouraged to be change bringers and promoters of ‘unity in diversity.’ when 90 percent of the students in the top B schools in our country are engineers and the weight of the score in  standardized tests are more than the holistic knowledge of the student.

With entrepreneurship we can begin to negate the bias that students have to face in the early stages of their lives and give them an equally bright and empowering future, all the while benefiting our economy.

Related: Inspirational Quotes By Great Indian Women Entrepreneurs