Domestic Violence Against Women Underreported in India: Survey

Bangalore: The uproar for justice for the women in India has taken the streets of the country and this has brought the matter related to violence against women at domestic level to the forefront. As per a recent survey G-20, India has been ranked as the worst place to be a woman. The lives of many girls and women in India are constently subjected to violence which includes female foeticide, sexual harassment, domestic violence and gender inequality, which is the countries stark reality. However the domestic violence in India and worldwide is majorly underreported when surveyed or to the police, as reported by Sreeparna Ghosh for The Wall Street Journal.

As per the national survey the numbers on violence against women in the country draws a bleak picture. India records 8 percent of married women subjected to sexual violence like forced sex, whereas 31 percent of the married women have been physically abused with ‘less severe’ instances, like punching or slapping. The survey report shows 10 percent to have suffered ‘severe domestic violence’ like attack with a weapon or burning. 12 percent said that they suffered at least one physical injury as a result of the violence such as sprains, bruises, dislocation or burns, severe burns, broken bones or broken teeth and wounds.

Also Read: Safety of Women: India vs U.S.