Countries Where The World's Richest Reside

2. China

China is the fastest growing country in the world. Infact, it has over taken America in terms of economic development and research and analysis. The country houses 154 billionaires which includes people like Zong Qinghou and Wang Jianlin; the estimated wealth of these billionaires is $11.6 billion and $8.6 billion respectively.  

Zong Qinghou is a successful entrepreneur, founder and CEO of a leading beverage company in china. In china is the richest and in the world he falls in the 86th place under the richest people in India.

Wealth in china is growing at a fast pace. The numbers of high networth individuals have increased by the end of 2012. In 2008, the average individual investable assets per HNI was 29 million RMB, this rate is expected to increase by 31.8 million RMB by the end of 2013.

The highest numbers of HNIs are residing in prime cities of china like Beijing and Shanghai.

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