Cell Phone Towers Cause Health Hazard: Survey

The chief of cardiovascular sciences at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, Dr Ashok Seth informed that he has warned his patients with cardiac implants to use mobile phones with caution. He further said, “We cannot and must not wait for the final conclusive data.”

Dr J D Mukherjee, director, neurology at Max Hospital said “We get patients complaining about a tingling sensation in the head and numbness due to excessive use of phones. But brain tumour cases cannot be related to radiation from phones or cellular towers without a proper study,” as reported by Hindustan Times.

The ‘bio-effect’ as stated by the report can happen in first few minutes of cell and cordless phone used at the hazardous levels mentioned. It can also occur after just minutes of exposure to mobile masts or cell towers. Infants, children, elderly, those with pre-existing chronic diseases are labeled as the 'sensitive population' who should avoid high exposure to these radiations. The safety standards are also too high to protect even the healthy population, informed the report.

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