Bollywood Movies that were Banned

 Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love in India (1996)

Director: Mira Nair

Star Cast: Naveen Andrews, Sarita Choudhury and Indira Varma

Nudity and explicitly sexual scenes in Indian Cinema have always been a big no-no for the Censor Board as well as Political parties and activists. In a country which is so intolerant to such content, Mira Nair’s Kamasutra was bound to face a ban. The authorities had issues with scenes that depicted erotic scenes that contained heterosexual as well as homosexual elements.

In order to get the movie to be screened in India Mira Nair had to take the help of the Supreme Court. The Court allowed her to release her movie but with certain conditions. The Indian version of this movie was a lot of cuts.

The fuss around this movie was quite ironic as India is the land where Kamasutra originated and a lot of temples in India depict scenes from this book.