Be Legendary! 23 Entrepreneurial Lessons from Michael Jordan - Part I

There can be time when you need to pivot or implement a different solution from what you had initially thought. In spite of these things, you need to stick to a clear vision and problem that your startup is trying to solve. And after succeeding, the road to where you’re going may look a lot different than it did when you first started. Never forget where you are going as an entrepreneur with your company.

22. Don’t Forget Where You Came From

This wise saying is as applicable in your life as much in your entrepreneurial venture. It is true that entrepreneurs’ vision is more than just money, but money can often change people and make them forget their humble beginnings. Don’t ever forget that burning desire you had the first day you started. Never forget your family and your close friends that were there before you started upon. If you are able to harness this then no money or fame can ever change you.