Are HP, Dell and IBM Heading to the Wrong Side of the Digital World?

The Server component market is growing and growing fast:

Earlier the server itself was a means of trade for tech companies and server vendors, but today the scenario has all together undergone a massive makeover. The server component market that includes components such as boards, network interface controllers and chips has created an uproar across the server market. This signifies that companies are interested in making more of their own servers and data centers, rather going for components from vendors and renting space in someone else’s computing facility. The best example to cite is Intel, who has taken advantage of this trend by providing warranties on individual parts.

The nutshell is simple- better business. From now on bigger companies will start building their own data centers and smaller companies will go for rented spaces across large data centers. With better efficiency and space guaranteed, this trend is definitely here to stay for a longer period. Also businesses will no longer mind who’s building the box, it’s all about how efficient you run your data center.


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