Amitabh Vs Rajnikanth: Who Is the Lord of Indian Cinema?

4. Who is the highest paid actor among the two?

No doubt, it is the South superstar Rajni, who wins in this category. Rajnikanth has been reported on the “Kolly Insider” website that, he will be receiving around 24 crores for his movie “Rana” which is going to be released in shortly. More importantly, it was reported on the Yahoo lifestyle website that, Rajnikanth is the second highest paid actor in Asia after Jackie Chan. When it comes to Amitabh, it is reported in some websites that he charges round 4 to 5 Crore per movie.

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5. Social Media presence:

Well, here it is Amitabh who has quite a presence n the social media through his personal blog, facebook and a Twitter account that has been widely respected as of now. But not to forget, unofficially, even Rajnikanth has been a part of social media.

6. As an actor:

The one thing to be appreciated here is, though Rajni is already around 60+ in his age, he is still performing as a Lead actor in all the films he has acted till date. Whereas, Amitabh, he has been a mixture of two as in few films he will be a lead actor and in others he will play the role of supporting actor as well.

So, as there were 6 essential comparisons made in this article, there can’t be a result out here, as it is left for the readers/viewers on deciding whom they consider as the “Lord of Indian Cinema”.

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