Ambassador Powell Meets Modi, Ends 9-Year U.S. Boycott

"This meeting was part of the U.S. Mission's outreach to senior leaders of India's major political parties in advance of the upcoming national elections," the U.S. statement said.

"Her discussions focus on the importance of the U.S.-India relationship, regional security issues, human rights, and American trade and investment in India," it said, adding, "The U.S. and India are moving forward with a strategic partnership that is broad and deep."

Decks were cleared for an end to the boycott imposed in the aftermath of the 2002 post-Godhra riots when, in a sudden u-turn, the U.S. Ambassador sought an appointment with the Gujarat Chief Minister which was granted.

U.S. had revoked Modi's visa in 2005 under a domestic law over "serious violations of religious freedom".

Describing the meeting as warm and cordial, the sources said all facets of Indo-U.S. relations as also global issues came up for discussion during which Powell briefed Modi on G8, G20, WTO, counter-terrorism and security cooperation.

Modi raised the issue of the need for terrorists being brought to justice, the sources said.

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Source: PTI