A Desi Entrepreneur's Magical Pressure Cooker

Later on, Rozadeen conducted a small research and understood that coffee making machines were way too expensive and even the cheapest one was priced anywhere between 5000 to 6000. From this he understood the reason why most  ‘chaiwallas’ didn’t sell coffee and hence decided to do something of his own that could make him a pioneer in the field. Rozadeen then decided to build a low cost coffee making machine that would be affordable to all and went in search of resources and funds.

In 1993, Rozadeen decided to take his idea forward by creating a coffee making machine out of a pressure cooker. For this, he did not have any knowledge in terms of technology or physics nor did he have any money to get laborers work on the idea. Like the saying ‘Small drops of water make a big ocean’, Rozadeen started saving rupee by rupee to fund his idea. He also borrowed 2000 from his friend to work on a prototype, which he later paid back.

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