9 Technologies Obama Can't Stay Without

#2 HP Elitebook 6930p notebook

Along with the Navy Seals, Operation Neptune Spear made this laptop famous. The White House Situation room saw the President watching live feed of the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden, co-ordinate with this machine on the table. It comes as no surprise since this laptop clears the military standard 810 F.

Also read: MIT Professor's $100 Laptop A Reality, Thanks To Google

#1 Polycom 2 SoundStation conference phone

A hands free phone with microphones to catch a voice upto 10 feet away is an important feature in the Oval Office. This enables the President to have a conference with heads of various departments, states, chiefs and basically anybody in the world with a phone number. The device also features a LCD display and caller id, to ensure that the Israeli Prime Minister and the Palestinian President are not mixed up.

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