9 Social Media Companies Growing At Rocket Speed

2. Buzzfeed

BuzzFeed is a website that was founded by Jonah Peretti in 2006. This website showed how news and advertising should be shared.

Jonah Peretti initially felt that the website is would be a mad innovation which gave place for silly shareable contents.

The content remained junk which was loaded with listicles and cat videos, but over the years, it is coming up with some serious news content on their sites and also becoming the pioneer in the world of social advertising.

3. ModCloth

ModCloth is an online company that is specially made for women to shop for clothing and accessories. The collections here are inspired by vintage and indie.

ModCloth is the best example for a successful social business. Eric Koger and Susan Gregg-Koger are the founders of the company and said that, it’s not all about updating your twitter and Facebook accounts, but about giving clear and precise information to the customers.

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