9 Failed Enterprise Products of Microsoft

2. Microsoft CardSpace:  

CardSpace was launched in 2005. CardSpace is client software used for Identity Metasystem. The software is based on parent software called Identity Selector. CardSpace helped users to store digital identities of people and then presenting them as visual Information Cards.  A UI was also designed so that the required digital identities could be used in necessary applications and websites where they are accepted.

Kim Cameron was the brainchild behind the online identity concept which was in those days known as The Laws of Identity. In 2008, a team of student researchers found out that by using attacks similar to those used to break .Net PassPort, students of Ruhr Universitat Bochum in Germany claim to have stolen CardSpace's security tokens from a compromised machine. But Microsoft dismissed the attacks, saying that an attacker would need a user's help steal any information. On the 15 February 2011, Microsoft announced that Windows CardSpace 2.0 will not be shipped.