8 Outstanding Features Of Microsoft's Android Rival, Windows Phone 8

Bonus Feature:

Windows Phone Store

When it comes to applications, Windows phone 8 can be considered to be in its nascent stage with respect to iOS and Android platform. And app store plays a pivotal role in establishing credibility of platforms.

Many application developers will opt for iOS platform, then Android, and then Windows Phone, following an unwritten hierarchy rule.

Belfiore talked a great amount new and major apps coming to the platform, including Temple Run, Pandora, and UrbanSpoon. There are also new Facebook, Skype, and Twitter apps inline.

Microsoft’s efforts on its new OS has impressed the industry analysts “Microsoft made a good case about how Windows Phone is different, a case they've made for two years but today is the first time they've articulated why different might be better," Michael Gartenberg, Gartner Research Director, told ABC News. "The lack of overall applications will still remain an issue but with many of the popular apps now or soon available Windows Phone 8 will appeal to many consumers if Microsoft can effectively tell them the story."

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said that the momentum for the platform is at its strongest point ever. "Our hardware partners are all in. Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile are all in, plus hundreds of mobile operators around the world are all in. Developers are all in, filling the Windows Phone Store with applications."

And Store now offers in-app purchases and multiple methods for you to pay and any purchased app will be available on Store for second time downloads without paying.