8 Most Powerful Technology Implementations

#5 Magnet

The tedious work of 15 years finally found fruit when the most powerful magnet on earth was finished in the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. The magnet could produce 100 teslas which is equivalent to 2 million times the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field. Production of the magnet was complete in 2012 and will be of great assistance in a lot of physics experiments.

#4 Diesel Engine

The invention of diesel engine was indeed ground breaking and the world’s most powerful engine is fitted to a cargo ship-Emma Maersk. The ship houses a massive engine measuring the height of a four storied building and is 28 meter in length. Producing power of over 100,000 brake horsepower and over 5.5 million foot-pounds of torque the engine is highly power efficient with only 50 percent energy loss as heat.

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