8 Hot and Exciting Trends For Indian Startups In 2013

Entrepreneurs have realized this and this year is going to mark the year of passion. Startup that are built upon passion will shine above the rest because no matter how many errors you make along the way, passion for the idea will never allow you to give up on it. Forget about trends and let passion guide you through.

#7 Showing Customers You Care

Creating value for customers will be the rule of thumb for every successful Indian startup in 2013. Customer centric service began after the industrial revolution and it is the secret of every successful venture today. Giving discounts to loyal customers will not be enough any longer; your customers will be able to get that from anywhere else. You need to analyze your customer base and understand their needs in order to better learn about them and build your product.

Read More: 5 Entrepreneurial Lessons From Lord Shiva - 'The Destroyer' / IIM Grads Who Trashed Placements For A Startup Life