8 Globally Recognized Indian Women

BANGALORE: Gone are the days when women are confined to doing only household chores within the four walls, Indian women are now much more progressed. They have plenty of platforms to display their talents, which in turn help them excel in their chosen fields as well. Therefore, on this women’s day, let’s salute these 8 Indian women who could bring their fame at the world level, as compiled by MSN.com.

Nirupama Menon Rao

Nirupama Menon Rao was the Indian Ambassador to the United States. Before this assignment, she served as Indian Foreign Secretary, the second women to hold the position of Indian Foreign Secretary. During her career, she occupied several positions including, high commissioner to Sri Lanka and Deputy Chief of Mission in Moscow, to name a few. Apart from all these services, she has a writing career as well. She has written a poem named ‘Rain Rising’, which was translated into Malayalam, Chinese and Russian languages. After completing her tenure as Indian Ambassador to United States, Brown University declared that she would be the Meera and Vikram Gandhi Fellow in residence at the University during 2014.

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