7 Exclusive Apps For The Valentine's Day

#6 Couple

Couple lets you have all those precious moments, be it your first dating spot to the funny slippers gifted by your valentine.

The app also sends notifications to remind you of your dating time and is great for simple things like a Skype call or even an important anniversary. What adds quality time with your valentine is in the sketch feature available on this app for you two. You can send an adorable bouquet of flowers or even invite your partner for a quick game of tic-tac-toe.

The thumb kiss feature lets your partner to join in and together match your thumbs on screen and there you go, you are thumb kissed. Your lover can even know your location as Couple helps you share your location rather than making you explain it all over the phone.

If you have missed on something, you can add it through couple when your partner is already at the store. So nothing seems to be missed between the two of you here.

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