6 Posts You Should Never Click On Facebook And Twitter

#3 The friend who sends you a gift card

While getting a gift card from a friend may make you feel warm, you may also end up with infected system. "Gift cards" offering amazing free sample are a fastest scam - and have been seen recently on picture-sharing networks such as Pinterest, where a stage of getting that "free gift" is, inevitably, to share the post with all your friends. Users don’t get any free gifts, but instead, end up giving their personal details or downloading malware which steals sensitive personal information.

#2 The news outlet you've never heard of

It is dangerous to click on unknown things on internet, and it goes same for Facebook too. Abstain from clicking on posts from news outlets you have not heard about. Cybercriminals send out bogus news links to blend in with the flurry of "real" news.

#1 The post where your friend breaks a global news

The links about a breaking global news may often appear in your Facebook feeds as suggested post. It is best to avoid them as they can inadverantly lead to downloading a malware and do not share the link with your friends.

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